Safe Exercise for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is the most important phase of women when she is overloaded with joy, emotions and a lot of changes in the body. This is the period where your happiness level is at its peak along with the hormones. Apart from a healthy balanced diet, proper medical care, following doctor’s advice, and relaxation, it is equally necessary to give due importance to your fitness regime. A little bit of exercise has its own advantages. Besides keeping your mind at peace, exercise during pregnancy is one way to keep your muscles, joints and bones healthy. Many women develop swelling, high sugar level, fluctuating blood pressure, nausea, pain in limbs etc. during pregnancy. In fact, medical practitioners highly recommend expected mothers to follow simple and safe exercise. This will keep your body healthy, reduce stiffness or muscle contractions. However, it does not mean that you need to hit the gym every morning. Some simple and safe exercises are also beneficial to ease labour.

How to maintain fitness during Pregnancy
Here we are listing some of the safe exercises for pregnant women that can be done easily at the comfort of your home.

1) During the first trimester- Push-ups and Planks

The initial three months of pregnancy that is the first trimester is where you will hardly notice any change in your body structure. Although it is safe to do exercise, there are certain hardcore exercises which you must avoid. However, exercises such as push-ups and planks can be performed in the presence of other members of the family to avoid any mishappening or accident.
For doing Push-ups, simply lie in the position on your hands and feet while facing the floor. Let your arms be directly under the shoulders facing the floor as well. Now, push back and return to the position. Repeat slowly. You can start with five initially with two sets.
If you want to do planks, you can start with the plank position of keeping our hands and knees. Raise your left hand and touch the right shoulder and vice versa. You can repeat these steps for about 10-15 repetitions, considering your comfort level.

2) Second Trimester –Push-ups and Planks
In the second trimester, that is the period of fourth to sixth months, while doing push-ups keep your body comfortably balanced. You can bring your hands to the centre while repeating push-ups. You can do 10-15 repetitions as long as you are comfortable.
When it comes to planks, you must modify the position and lie down on your knees and elbows while shoulders are apart. Move your upper body a little op and then lower it. You may aim to do around 10-15 planks at this stage.

3) Third Trimester – Push-ups and Planks
While the last three months or the third trimester is a bit risky, therefore, avoid doing push-ups and planks while facing downwards. However, you can do push-ups while standing and facing the wall with your feet wide apart. Your elbows should be bent on the wall and now you are ready to push up against the wall while standing. You can do 10-15 repetitions if you do not feel fatigued.
Regarding planks, either you do not perform them or it possible do it while standing to be on the safer side. Following the similar position for the push-ups while standing against the wall, perform the planks for about 10-15 repetitions.


If you do not face any breathing issues, it is ok to run at a slow pace. Remember you are not in a race to win so do it slowly and easily. Take breaks, keep yourself hydrated all through your running time. It is imperative to start with a few meters or a kilometre. Do not put pressure on yourself or the baby, as an increase in your heartbeat leads to an increase in the heartbeat of the foetus.


Yoga is an all-pervasive way of keeping your body, mind and heart-healthy and peaceful. You can perform simple yoga postures which includes breathing exercises. However, keep a note of the fact that you must not put pressure on the pelvic area while you are doing yoga. Forget the Surya Namaskar if it means stretching your body, taking a risk and troubling the belly area. Skip that outrightly. You can do basic yoga postures wherein you are not supposed to lie on your back or abdomen. Besides, you are not in the race of reducing your fat while you are pregnant so do not perform such poses which are meant for otherwise healthy women. Also, do not hold your breath for long as it will impact the baby too and the supply of blood. You can do deep breathing and focus on your breaths.

6) Leg raises
This is one exercise that your gynaecologist will ask you to do. Here, you have to lie down on either side. So if you are lying on your left, then lift up your right leg wherein your foot will be pointing towards the ceiling and now bring it down. Do it for 5-10 repetitions. Similarly, do it while you lie down on your right side with left leg. This is helpful to ease out labour and maintaining the strength of the pelvic muscles.

7) Cat and Camel
As the name suggests, you have to be on your four limbs like cat or camel. With your knees bend on the floor, keep your palms on the floor while your neck should be facing straight in line with your back. Assume the posture of a cat. While you are at this stage, it is called ‘’Çat’’ posture. Now raise your back up towards the ceiling as though its a camel’s hump. This position is called ‘’Camel’’ position. Now return back to ‘’Cat’’ position and repeat 10-15 times. This is ‘’Cat and Camel’’ exercise, which is extremely helpful during pregnancy to keep back-pain away.

Tips while exercising:
While you chose to exercise follow the safety tips as given below:
1) Always consult with an expert medical practitioner before you start any exercise.
2) Remember to hydrate before, after and in-between the exercise.
3) Keep the exercise simple or ask your doctor to advise you which exercise to perform.
4) Do not do the rigorous workout as it will be harmful.
5) Wear loose-fitting, breathable fabric clothes when exercising.
6) Always exercise in the presence of anyone and do not perform it alone to avoid any chances of an accident.
7) If you have a history of breathlessness, heart disease, asthma etc. then your doctor is your best guide.
8) Do not keep yourself starved while pregnancy in the awe of following exercise timings.
9) If you ever experience uneasiness, pain, breathlessness or inability to perform the exercise, immediately stop.
10) Do not lie down on your back or abdomen when doing any exercise.

Published by

Anikit Rathi

Anikit Rathi is a well known consultant who speaks about astrology, diet, health and fitness. He is passionate about sharing tips on balanced diet and fitness. Whether it is weight loss, body building, dieting, or horoscopes, Anikit can transform you from fat to fit.

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